  • 入驻年限:5
  • 所 在 地:广东省 深圳市
  • 主营产品: GE PLC AB PLC 艾默生卡件 西屋卡件 Ovation系统 TRICONEX系统 Prosoft模块 Molex通讯模块 劳尔LAUER触摸屏 Sorensen电源 本特利3500系统 示教器 施耐德PLC Prosoft电台


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如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

GE PLC IC200PWB001电源模块 北京批发

价格 5500.00/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 广东 深圳 可售量 25台


速购通标准会员 第5年




公司官网: http://15818577730.51pla.com

所在地区:广东省 深圳市

主营产品: GE, PLC, AB, PLC, 艾默生卡件, 西屋卡件, Ovation系统, TRICONEX系统, Prosoft模块, Molex通讯模块, 劳尔LAUER触摸屏, Sorensen电源, 本特利3500系统, 示教器, 施耐德PLC, Prosoft电台,

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品牌 GE/通用电气 型号 IC200PWB001
加工定制 工作电压 24V
特点 抗干扰能力强 外壳颜色 黑色
质量认证 CE 输出频率 50
工作温度 20 I/O点: 150

标题:GE PLC IC200PWB001电源模块 北京批发|GE PLCref="/chanpin/B1X9L1R2W5G8.html">PLC北京代理批发|GE PLC北京供应|GE PLC北京那里买找深圳市国华电气有限公司厂家电话15818577730

IC200ALG230 Analog Input 12 Bit Voltage/Current, 4 Channels
IC200ALG240 Analog Input Module, 16 Bit Voltage/Current, 1500VAC Isolation, 8 Channels
IC200ALG260 Analog Input 12 Bit Voltage/Current, 8 Channels
IC200ALG620 Analog Input 16 Bit RTD, 4 Channels
IC200ALG630 Analog Input 16 Bit Thermocouple, 7 Channels
IC200ALG320 Analog Output 12 Bit Current, 4 Channels
IC200ALG321 Analog Output 12 Bit 0-10V Voltage, 4 Channels
IC200ALG322 Analog Output 12 Bit +/-10V Voltage, 4 Channels
IC200ALG430 Analog Mixed 12 Bit Input Current 4 Channels / Output Current 2 Channels
IC200ALG431 Analog Mixed 12 Bit 0-10V Input 4 Channels / Output 0-10V 2 Channels
IC200ALG432 Analog Mixed Module, 12 Bit -10 to +10VDC Input 4 Channels / Output -10 to +10VDC 2 Channels
IC200CHS001 I/O Carrier, Barrier Style, Field Wiring Interface
IC200CHS002 I/O Carrier, Box Style, Field Wiring Interface
IC200CHS003 I/O Carrier Connector Style, Field Wiring Interface (Requires One Cable)
IC200CHS005 I/O Carrier, Spring Clamp Style, Field Wiring Interface
IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier (Genius, DeviceNet, Profibus-DP)
IC200CHS011 I/O Interposing Terminals, Barrier Style, Field Wiring Interface (Requires One Cable and One IC200CHS003)
IC200CHS012 I/O Interposing Terminals, Box Style, Field Wiring Interface (Requires One Cable and One IC200CHS003)
IC200CHS014 I/O Interposing Terminals, Box Style Thermocouple Compensation, Field Wiring Interface (Requires One Cable and One IC200CHS003)
IC200CHS015 I/O Interposing Terminals, Spring Clamp Style, Field Wiring Interface (Requires One Cable and One IC200CHS003)
IC200CHS022 Compact Box-Style I/O Carrier
IC200CHS025 Compact Spring-Style I/O Carrier
IC200TBM001 I/O Auxiliary Terminals, Barrier Style , Field Wiring Interface (Required For 2, 3 and 4 Wire Connections)
IC200TBM002 I/O Auxiliary Terminals, Box Style , Field Wiring Interface (Required For 2, 3 and 4 Wire Connections)
IC200TBM005 I/O Auxiliary Terminals, Spring Clamp Style , Field Wiring Interface (Required For 2, 3 and 4 Wire Connections)
IC200ETM001 Expansion Transmitter Module
IC200ERM001 Expansion Receiver Module, Isolated
IC200ERM002 Expansion Receiver Module, Non-isolated
IC200GBI001 I/O Network Interface For Genius Bus (Slave)
IC200PBI001 I/O Network Interface For Profibus-DP (Slave)
IC200DBI001 I/O Network Interface For DeviceNet (Slave)
IC200BEM002 PLC Network Communication Profibus-DP Slave
IC200PWB001 Power Supply Booster Carrier
IC200PWR001 Power Supply 24VDC Input
IC200PWR002 Power Supply with Expanded 3.3VDC 24VDC Input
IC200PWR101 Power Supply 120/240VAC Input
IC200PWR102 Power Supply with Expanded 3.3VDC 120/240VAC Input
IC200PWR201 12VDC Power Supply
IC200PWR202 12VDC Expanded 3.3 V Power Supply
IC200CBL001 Cable, CPU Programming RS-232
IC200CBL002 Cable, Expansion Firmware Upgrade
IC200CBL105 Cable, I/O Non-Shielded 2 Connectors .5m
IC200CBL110 Cable, I/O Non-Shielded 2 Connectors 1.0m
IC200CBL120 Cable, I/O Non-Shielded 2 Connectors 2.0m
IC200CBL230 Cable, I/O Non-Shielded 1 Connector 3.0m
IC200ACC301 I/O Filler
IC200ACC302 I/O Input Simulator
IC200ACC303 I/O Shorting Bar Qty 2
IC200ACC304 I/O Cable Connector Kit Qty 2
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免责声明:以上展示的GE PLC IC200PWB001电源模块 北京批发信息由深圳市国华电气有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:GE PLC IC200PWB001电源模块 北京批发