价格 | ¥1200000.00/台 | |
起订量 | ≥1 | |
所在地 | 北京 辖区 | 可售量 10000台 |
联 系 人:裴先生 (联系时,请说明是在全球塑胶网上看到的)
公司官网: http://www.brapu.com
所在地区:北京市 市辖区
主营产品: 巴普开式冷却塔, 巴普闭式冷却塔, 巴普蒸发式冷凝器, 巴普机力通风冷却塔, 巴普超低噪音冷却塔, 巴普防白烟冷却塔, 巴普横流式冷却塔, 巴普逆流式冷却塔,
品牌 | 巴普 | 型号 | BPE |
传热方式 | 混合式换热器 | 形式 | 顺流型 |
类别 | 管式换热器 | 重量 | 3000 |
加工定制 | 是 | 售后服务 | 全国联保 |
风机功率 | 15W | 颜色 | 灰色 |
产地 | 上海 | 换热量 | 2500 |
换热面积 | 2000 |
Application,Principe and Characteristics of Brapu Evaporative Condenser
Evaporative condenser is one of the important of Brapu refrigeration products, its high thermal efficiency, energy saving, water saving, compact structure and convenient installation, widely used in oil, chemical, beer, dairy, food, medicine, industrial ice industry of refrigeration, low temperature processing, refrigeration, freezing and building air regulation, etc.
Evaporative condenser is the main heat exchange equipment in the refrigeration system. Its principle of action is: the overheated high pressure refrigerant gas discharged by the compressor in the refrigeration system passes through the condensing exhaust pipe in the evaporative condenser, so that the high temperature gas refrigerant can heat exchange with the spray water and air outside the exhaust pipe. That is, the gaseous refrigerant is gradually condensed into liquid refrigerant from top to bottom from the upper mouth into the discharge pipe. The super wind force of the supporting induced draft fan makes the spray water cover the surface of the coil completely and evenly, and the water borrows the wind potential, which greatly improves the heat exchange effect. Temperature rising spray water from part to gas, using the water of the vaporization latent heat by the wind away a lot of heat, heat water droplets by efficient dehydrator, and the rest of the heat absorbs the water, scattered to the PVC water sheet heat exchange layer, through the air cooling, temperature reduction, into the water tank, then the circulating pump continue to circulate. The moisture evaporated into the air is automatically replenished by the water level regulator.
巴普蒸发式冷凝器10.5000pt; mso-font-kerning:1.0000pt;">因巴普蒸发式冷凝器独特的优点,所以其在全球的能源化工、石化行业减压装置、催化裂化装置、加氢裂化装置、延迟焦化装置、气体分馏装置、烷基化等装置,化工行业甲醇、合成氨、二甲醚、醇烃化、苯加氢、煤焦油加氢、煤制油、煤制烯烃及煤制乙二醇等行业物料的冷凝冷却有广泛的应用。
Because of the unique advantages of Brapu evaporator condenser, so in the global energy chemical industry, petrochemical industry, catalytic cracking device, hydrocracking device, delayed coking unit, gas fractionation device, alkylation unit, chemical industry, synthetic ammonia, dimethyl ether, benzene hydrogenation, hydrogenation of coal tar, coal to oil, coal to olefin and coal to ethylene glycol material condensation cooling has been widely used.
Evaporative condenser heat transfer effect compared with air-cooled condenser, condensation temperature is low, because the condensation ability of air-cooled condenser is limited by the environmental dry ball temperature, and evaporative condenser condensation temperature can be close to the environment of the wet bulb temperature, usually wet bulb temperature 8℃ lower than dry bulb temperature, so the condensation temperature is low, heat transfer effect is much better than air-cooled condenser. Compared with cooling water tower water cooled condenser, evaporative condenser due to refrigerant and cooling water heat transfer, mass transfer exchange a complete, mainly rely on the evaporation of water latent heat away condensation heat load, especially the summer condensation temperature is low, water consumption is greatly reduced, water consumption is only 5-10% of water cooling, in fact is only around 15%, so the whole device is compact structure, small volume, covers an area of less. The evaporative condenser reduces the condensation temperature of the refrigeration system, so the transmission power of the compressor is reduced, and the total power consumption of the condenser is also significantly reduced, so the obvious energy saving can be realized. Because for every 1℃ increase in the condensation temperature, the power consumption per unit of cooling capacity will increase by 3-3.5%. Many test reports show that under the same conditions, such as using the evaporative condenser, the energy consumption of the refrigeration device can be reduced by about 10%.
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