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GE PLC IC200CMM020总线通讯模块 现货批发 全新原装

价格 8000.00/台 7800.00/台
起订量 ≥1 ≥2
所在地 广东 深圳 可售量 12台


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品牌 GE/通用电气 型号 IC200CMM020
加工定制 工作电压 220V
特点 抗干扰能力强 外壳颜色 蓝色
质量认证 CE 输出频率 50
工作温度 100 I/O点: 150

标题:GE PLC IC200CMM020总线通讯模块 现货批发 全新原装|深圳市国华电气有限公司|GE PLC销售电话15818577730

IC200CHS011 I/O interposing barrier style
IC200CHS012 I/O interposing box style
IC200CHS014 I/O interposing box style Thermocouple cold junction compensation
IC200CHS015 I/O interposing spring style
IC200CHS022 Compact I/O carrier box style
IC200CHS022CA Compact I/O carrier box style
IC200CHS025 Compact I/O carrier spring style
IC200CHS101 I/O interposing disconnect style, 16 point
IC200CHS102 I/O interposing disconnect style, 16 point expansion
IC200CHS111 I/O interposing relay style, relay 8 amps isolated, fused 16 points
IC200CHS112 I/O interposing relay style, relay 8 amps isolated, fused 16 points expansion unit
IC200CHS121 I/O interposing fuse style 16 point
IC200CHS122 I/O interposing fuse style 16 point expansion
IC200CMM020 Modbus Master module for VersaMax Genius NIU. Module supports one RS-485 serial port.
IC200CPU001 CPU 34K user configurable user memory, 1.80MSEC/K Boolean one RS232 and one RS485 serial ports
IC200CPU002 CPU 42K user configurable user memory, 1.80MSEC/K Boolean one RS232 and one RS485 serial ports
IC200CPU005 CPU 128K user configurable user memory, 0.8MSEC/K Boolean one RS232 and one RS485 serial ports
IC200CPUE05 CPU 128K user configurable user memory, 0.8MSEC/K Boolean one RS232, one RS485 serial ports and Ethernet port 10Mbit base T.
IC200CPUE05CA Conformal coated CPU with built-in Ethernet 10Mbits, one RS 232 and one RS 485 port.
IC200DBI001 Remote I/O DeviceNet network interface unit
IC200DEM001 DEMO Kit VersaMax I/O and control
IC200DEM004 VersaMax MicroMotion and VersaMotion Simulator is prewired and ready to use. The simulator includes a IC200UMM102 MicroMotion Module, Serial Port on VersaMotion Motor, Amplifier, communications cable (1meter)from VersaMotion to Micro, programming cable
IC200DEM004CN Portable sales demo for VersaMax Micro Motion Module and versaMotion servo with 230VAc input and China standard power cord/plug.
IC200DEM004UNVCN MicroMotion and VersaMotion Demo-China
IC200DEM064 VersaMax Micro 64 Demo Carrying Case. Demo includes Micro 64 (IC200UDD064, DC supply, DC in and DC out) PowerCube stepper amplifier, stepping motor (MTR-1216-N-D-E-0), stepper cable (CBL-12-MP-10), PowerCube Flying Lead interface cable (IC800PCUBC02S030
IC200DEM103 Profinet Demo Unit. The demo consist of a RX3i Profinet controller (IC695PNC001) and VersaMax demo stand with a Profinet Slave (IC200PNS001), (2) power supplies (IC200PWR002), mixed discrete module (IC200MDD844), input simulator (IC200ACC302)and base (I
IC200DTX200 Operator Interface for changing timer/counter/register values. 2 x 16 character LCPLCacklight display and 6 operation keys. No stored messa ging, PLC stores messages.
IC200DTX400 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 2 x 16 character LCD backlight display and 6 function keys. Powered via 15 pin SNP Port.
IC200DTX450 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 2 x 16 character L CD backlight display and 6 function keys.
IC200DTX650 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 4 x 16 character L CD backlight display and 8 function keys.
IC200DTX850 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 4 x 20 character L CD backlight display, 8 function keys and numeric keypad.
IC200EBI001 Remote I/O Ethernet network interface unit
IC200ERM001 Expansion receiver isolated
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免责声明:以上展示的GE PLC IC200CMM020总线通讯模块 现货批发 全新原装信息由深圳市国华电气有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:GE PLC IC200CMM020总线通讯模块 现货批发 全新原装