  • 入驻年限:1
  • 所 在 地:河南省 郑州市
  • 主营产品: 食品机械 黏土制砖机 耐材炮泥机 对辊粉碎机 颚式破碎机


免费会员第 1 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

华升红薯淀粉成型设备 红薯淀粉机 红薯制粉机

价格 3500/台 3200/台 3000/台
起订量 ≥1 ≥2 ≥5
所在地 河南 郑州 可售量 9999台


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 华升 类型 淀粉机
适用对象 薯类、稻谷、玉米等 电源电压 电源电压
重量 40(kg) 加工定制
出料粒度 0.9-9.9(mm) 售后服务 整机保修一年
产量 1000-3000kg 是否跨境出口




The double-layer potato starch separator developed by our company has a fully enclosed energy-saving structure with reasonable structure. The upper part of the m achine is crushed and the secondary coarse separation is aut o m atically fed, broken and separated, and the slurry water is directly led to the secondary separation cylinder with fine screen at the lower layer for fine separation, and a water pump is omitted.

Sweet potato starch m achine produces starch from sweet potato, and the starch produced is directly used in the production of sweet potato vermicelli, vermicelli and vermicelli.

Fresh potato starch m achine is a kind of potato milling equipment developed and produced by combining the advantages of domestic and foreign milling equipment, which is suitable for farmers' decentralized processing and less investment. It has excellent perform ance, reasonable and compact structure, reliable use, high production efficiency, labor-saving and time-saving. It can complete three processes of sweet potato coarse crushing, fine grinding, pulp residue aut o m atic filtering and separation at one time, without lumps, pilings and starch extraction It is suitable for processing potato, sweet potato, cassava, dried sweet potato and so on. It is an ideal equipment for starch processing enterprises, vermicelli processing enterprises and farmers to process sweet potato, potato and other potato starch.

华升红薯淀粉成型设备 红薯淀粉机 红薯制粉机

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  • 华升小型红薯淀粉分离机 土豆加工淀粉设备 红薯淀粉生产设备¥5500元

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  • 生产多功能土豆淀粉磨浆机 薯类分离机 华升品质保障¥5500元

  • 华升白薯打粉机 渣浆分离机全套设备 土豆加工设备 售后好¥3000元

  • 华升供应薯类清洗机 红薯淀粉设备 红薯淀粉设备加工 小型红薯淀粉设备¥5500元

免责声明:以上展示的华升红薯淀粉成型设备 红薯淀粉机 红薯制粉机信息由巩义市华升机械厂自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:华升红薯淀粉成型设备 红薯淀粉机 红薯制粉机