  • 入驻年限:1
  • 所 在 地:河南省 郑州市
  • 主营产品: 食品机械 黏土制砖机 耐材炮泥机 对辊粉碎机 颚式破碎机


免费会员第 1 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

加工红薯淀粉设备 华升薯类淀粉加工设备 地瓜淀粉加工设备 加工薯类淀粉机

价格 3000/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 河南 郑州 可售量 9999台


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 华升 类型 淀粉机
适用对象 薯类、稻谷、玉米等 电源电压 电源电压
重量 40(kg) 加工定制
出料粒度 0.6-10(mm) 售后服务 整机保修一年
产量 时产1.5至2 是否跨境出口



Working principle of starch m achine:

After being fed into the feeding port, the starch raw m aterial is crushed into fila ments under the action of the taker in roller, and is taken into the cone grinding seat. Driven by the screw shaft, it is squeezed into the narrow gap formed by the inner shell of the cone mill. Under the rotation of the inner shell of the cone mill, the m aterial is further squeezed, crushed and ground, so that the starch is free from the fiber. After being squeezed into the separating cylinder, the milled m aterials are fully mixed with water under the action of the stirring shaft. The free starch dissolves into the water, flows out through the separation screen and is collected for use. The rem aining dregs are pushed out of the separator under the promotion of the mixing shaft.



新型地瓜淀粉机 薯类洗薯上料机 螺旋上料清洗机



Company profile

I plant is located in Lianhuo highway Gongyi east exit, about 500 meters east. Is the production of various potato products m anufacturers. The potato starch processing equipment produced by our factory has the advantages of durability, sm all power, high efficiency, power saving, labor-saving, less employing, and low production and processing cost, which is applicable to the county, township, village collective and individual. Over the years, our products sell well all over the country and are well received by the m ajority of users.

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免责声明:以上展示的加工红薯淀粉设备 华升薯类淀粉加工设备 地瓜淀粉加工设备 加工薯类淀粉机信息由巩义市华升机械厂自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:加工红薯淀粉设备 华升薯类淀粉加工设备 地瓜淀粉加工设备 加工薯类淀粉机