华升 全自动薯类淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉设备 红薯淀粉加工设备
价格 | ¥3000/台 | ¥2800/台 |
起订量 | ≥1 | ≥3 |
所在地 | 河南 郑州 | 可售量 9999台 |
品牌 | 华升 | 类型 | 淀粉机 |
适用对象 | 薯类、稻谷、玉米等 | 电源电压 | 电源电压 |
重量 | 40(kg) | 加工定制 | 是 |
出料粒度 | 0.6-10(mm) | 售后服务 | 整机保修一年 |
产量 | 1000-3000kg | 是否跨境出口 | 否 |
产品包装 | 裸机或纸箱包装 | 产品别名 | 红薯渣浆分离机 加工土豆淀粉设备 红薯加工淀粉设备 |
是否现货 | 现货 | 可售卖地 | 全国 |
货号 | 001 |
工艺先进、造型美观、布局紧凑; 占地面积小; 用人少、劳动强度小、自动化程度高、从挖掘、洗薯、到烘干一条龙生产;能耗低、省水、省电、加工费用低; 提净率高:采用洗薯机清洗,薯块不破损,淀 粉不流失; 淀粉质量高,达到食用级标准,多次除沙、多次过滤; 多功能,可适用于:马铃薯、红薯、芭蕉芋、木薯、葛根、莲藕等淀粉生产;性能稳定,操作维修简便。
Huasheng m achinery is a joint-stock enterprise with test and promotion. It produces all kinds of potatoes, cassava, taro, potato, sweet potato mud washing m achine, potato starch m achine, starch processing m achine for sweet potato, cassava, ya m, taro or corn, mung bean starch, The characteristics of Henan Huasheng potato starch equipment are as follows: 1
Advanced technology, beautiful appearance, compact layout, sm all floor area, less labor intensity, high degree of aut o m ation, one-stop production from digging, washing and drying; low energy consumption, water saving, power saving and processing cost; high purification rate: potato chips are not da m aged and starch is not lost by using potato washing m achine; High quality starch, up to the standard of edible grade, multiple desalting, multiple filtration; multi-functional, suitable for: potato, sweet potato, Canna taro, cassava, Pueraria, lotus root and other starch production; stable perform ance, easy operation and m aintenance.
Huasheng brand starch m achine: it can complete three processes of coarse crushing, fine refining and separation of pulp and slag at one time. There is no phenomenon of starch color deterioration and darkening caused by m anual production. The starch residue is filiform under the microscope, which is conducive to the starch dissociation from the fiber and improve the starch yield.
Our company new development, production products, easy to use, high degree of aut o m ation, reasonable structure, stable and reliable production, long service life. The equipment is fully aut o m atic feeding, crushing, separation of pulp and slag, slag discharge is completed at one time, without block and Dingpi, and all indexes have reached the domestic level. The special structure of the m achine can prolong the service life of the screen, and the replacement of the screen is convenient and fast, and can be completed in 20 minutes.
The powder extraction rate is higher than 99. The results show that the processing of spiny stick with water shortens the oxidation reaction of powder residue in air and greatly improves the whiteness of starch.
华升 全自动薯类淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉设备 红薯淀粉加工设备相关产品
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免责声明:以上展示的华升 全自动薯类淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉设备 红薯淀粉加工设备信息由巩义市华升机械厂自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:华升 全自动薯类淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉设备 红薯淀粉加工设备