  • 入驻年限:1
  • 所 在 地:河南省 郑州市
  • 主营产品: 食品机械 黏土制砖机 耐材炮泥机 对辊粉碎机 颚式破碎机


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华升 薯类淀粉加工设备 薯类淀粉生产设备 红薯淀粉机 地瓜淀粉机

价格 5000/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 河南 郑州 可售量 9999台


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品牌 华升 类型 打粉机
适用对象 薯类、稻谷、玉米等 重量 40(kg)
电源电压 220(V) 加工定制
出料粒度 0.6-10(mm) 售后服务 保修一年
产量 1000-3000kg 外型尺寸 1350*600*1350(mm)
产品包装 裸机或纸箱包装 产品别名 小型红薯淀粉机 红薯淀粉机 土豆加工淀粉设备
是否现货 现货 可售卖地 全国
货号 001


It is m ainly used in cleaning raw m aterials (m aterials) of potato starch, potato powder and other complete production lines. The m achine adopts the principle of counter current washing. The m aterial (potato) flows into the roller cage of the cleaning m achine from the inlet and goes to the outlet along with the spiral sliver. The water in the cleaning tank, in the roller cage, reacts with the spiral twisted strip to the inlet of the cleaning m achine and moves in reverse with the m aterial (potato). The cleaning effect is good, and the mud and sand are removed.

Potato washing m achine can clean, lift and transport fresh potato to starch m achine.



Huasheng brand sweet potato starch crusher has the advantages of sm all floor area, s i m p l e structure, compact, light weight, convenient operation and m aintenance, high productivity and low power consumption. With the sweet potato, potato, cassava and lotus root cleaned by the potato washing m achine as raw m aterials, it can complete the grinding and powder residue separation task of fresh potato at one time, and directly separate the starch with high starch yield (the powder content of residue ≤ 1), It is an ideal equipment for potato starch processing. It is suitable for fixed-point or mobile processing of potato, sweet potato, Canna taro, cassava, Pueraria, lotus root and other starch for urban residents and rural professional households and processing plants.

Potato starch separator has reliable perform ance, reasonable structure, compact, easy to use, grinding, separation, slag discharge one-time complete, and at the sa me time complete pulp and slag separation operation, suitable for potato starch processing. It has the characteristics of high energy saving, flexible use and so on.

Mill and pulp separator



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手机版:华升 薯类淀粉加工设备 薯类淀粉生产设备 红薯淀粉机 地瓜淀粉机