  • 入驻年限:1
  • 所 在 地:河南省 郑州市
  • 主营产品: 食品机械 黏土制砖机 耐材炮泥机 对辊粉碎机 颚式破碎机


免费会员第 1 vip
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华升 薯类淀粉成型设备 薯类淀粉生产设备 加工红薯淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉机

价格 3000/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 河南 郑州 可售量 9999台


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 华升 类型 淀粉机
配用动力 5.5KW 电源电压 380(V)
重量 130(kg) 出料粒度 0.6-10(mm)
售后服务 整机保修一年 产量 1000-3000kg
适用对象 薯类、稻谷、玉米等 是否跨境出口
产品包装 裸机或纸箱包装 产品别名 土豆淀粉机 薯类淀粉机 薯类淀粉加工设备
是否现货 现货 可售卖地 全国
货号 93629982

?Manufacturer's quotation of sweet potato starch m achine

The m achine of fresh potato starch adopts the advanced prick bar type slicing mechanism, and the special rack is produced by the international process. It has high wear resistance, sharp teeth, even and fine powder residue and higher starch extraction rate. It is convenient and quick to replace the rack, which greatly reduces the labor intensity of labor and greatly improves the production efficiency. The starch m achine planed the fresh potato through the high-speed rotation of the fresh potato into fine fila ments, no block, no pilings, and less broken residue, not blocking the filter screen, which is conducive to the extraction of starch, improves the extraction rate of starch, and has good color. At the sa me time, the nails are sharp and wear-resistant, which ensures the continuity of operation.

Advantages of starch m achine:

1: In the crushing part, the prick bar toothed roller is used instead of the previous m anual sprint method.

2: The service life of the steel thorn teeth is three times of that of the former ones, and it is very convenient and s i m p l e to replace them after wear.


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免责声明:以上展示的华升 薯类淀粉成型设备 薯类淀粉生产设备 加工红薯淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉机信息由巩义市华升机械厂自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:华升 薯类淀粉成型设备 薯类淀粉生产设备 加工红薯淀粉机 小型红薯淀粉机