  • 入驻年限:1
  • 所 在 地:北京市 朝阳区
  • 主营产品: 食品 化妆品 机械设备


免费会员第 1 vip
主营产品: 食品, 化妆品, 机械设备,
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 500/件
起订量 ≥1
所在地 北京 朝阳区 可售量 9999件


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 注册外贸公司的条件 服务内容 外贸进出口公司设立
服务对象 中外自然人与法人股东 服务范围 北京、天津、上海
其他服务 代办进出口 业务类型 内外资企业注册
服务方式 一对一服务 行业经验 13年
优势 经验丰富 详情 咨询客服





1 .企业年度检验为 B 级的企业不得增设分支机构,不得投资设立有限责任公司。
2 .被锁入北京市信用信息系统的警示信息系统的市场主体(含自然人),在锁入期间其投资资格受到限制。例如:被锁入警示信息系统的自然人,在锁入期间不能担任其他公司的新股东;不能在已担任股东的公司中追加或受让股份。
3 .党政机关、司法行政部门以及党政机关主办的社会团体不得投资举办有限责任公司。
4 .会计师事务所、审计事务所、资产评估机构、律师事务所不得作为投资主体向其它行业投资设立有限责任公司。
5 .基金会不得投资举办有限责任公司。
6 .外商投资企业成为内资公司股东应当经北京市工商行政管理局审查取得投资资格证明。
7 .有限责任公司可以向其他公司、集体所有制(股份合作)企业及联营企业投资,也可设立分公司,分公司不得对外投资。
8 .工会经区、县级以上工会批准后可以投资设立公司。
9 .法律、法规禁止从事营利性活动的人,不得成为公司股东。



1、进出口企业名称预核准手续,所需资料:股东身份复印件,新公司的名称等,办理部门:市、区工商局,办理时间: 1-2个工作日;

2、如有特殊经营范围的,需进行前置审批:目前前置审批共计14大类,72项审批项目,见工商局《企业登记前置许可目录》,办理时间15- 0个工作日 ;

3、 工商设立登记,提供设立登记申请书、章程、法定代表人身份证、名称预先核准通知书、公司住所证明、股东身份证复印件等材料,办理部门:市、区工商局,办理时间:3-5个工作日;

4、领取营业执照,所需资料:股东身份证或代理人身份证等,办理部门: 市、区工商局,办理时间:1个工作日;

5、公章备案与领取,提供营业执照、法定代表人身份证明等材料, 1个工作日;  

6、 办理进出口权,所需资料: 营业执照、法人身份证复印件等,办理部门: 商务局、海关、电子口岸、外管局等,办理时间: 15个工作日。


Process and fees for registering a foreign trade company, handling import and export business rights on behalf of others


1、 The primary requirement for registering a foreign trade company is to have a legitimate business premises

【1】 The prerequisite for establishing a company is to have a registered address, and you need to rent an office in a dedicated office building. If you have your own office, you can also do so. After renting, a rental contract should be signed and the lessor should provide a copy of the property certificate, rental contract, and other registration materials.

【2】 At present, the regulations of the Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce are that apartments, residential buildings, and dual-use commercial and residential buildings cannot be used as registered addresses for enterprises. Therefore, investors need to lease legitimate commercial office buildings as registered business premises.

【3】 The required documents for registering a company's business premises include a lease agreement, a copy of the property certificate, a copy of the owner's ID card, proof of residence, etc.

2、 Requirements for registering a foreign trade company: Shareholders meet relevant regulations

【1】 The number of shareholders should be one to fifty or less;

【2】 The shareholder qualification shall comply with relevant regulations;

【3】 The following units and individuals do not have investment qualifications or limited investment capabilities:

1. Enterprises with a B-level annual inspection are not allowed to establish branches or invest in the establishment of limited liability companies.

2. Market entities (including natural persons) who are locked into the "warning information system" of the Beijing Credit Information System are subject to investment qualifications restrictions during the lock in period. For example, natural persons who are locked into the "warning information system" cannot serve as new shareholders of other companies during the lock in period; Cannot add or acquire shares in a company that is already a shareholder.

3. Party and government agencies, judicial administrative departments, and social organizations sponsored by Party and government agencies are not allowed to invest in establishing limited liability companies.

4. Accounting firms, audit firms, asset appraisal agencies, and law firms shall not act as investment entities to establish limited liability companies in other industries.

5. The foundation shall not invest in establishing a limited liability company.

6. Foreign invested enterprises becoming shareholders of domestic companies shall obtain investment qualification certificates through examination by the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce.

7. Limited liability companies may invest in other companies, collectively owned (joint-stock cooperative) enterprises, and joint ventures, and may also establish branch offices, which are not allowed to invest externally.

8. Trade unions can invest in and establish companies with the approval of trade unions at or above the district or county level.

9. Individuals prohibited by laws and regulations from engaging in for-profit activities shall not become shareholders of the company.

【4】 A natural person shareholder or a corporate shareholder may invest in establishing a one person limited liability company. A natural person can only invest in establishing a one person limited liability company.

【5】 Qualification documents of shareholders: If the shareholder is a natural person, provide a copy of the person's ID card or other legal identification documents; If the shareholder is a company, provide a copy of the Business License stamped with the company seal; If the shareholder is a public institution, a copy of the Public Institution Legal Person Certificate stamped with the official seal of the institution shall be issued; If the shareholder is a social organization, a copy of the Social Organization Legal Person Registration Certificate stamped with the official seal of the unit shall be issued; If the shareholder is a trade union, approval documents from the trade union at or above the district or county level for investment shall be submitted.

3、 The process of registering a foreign trade company:

1. Pre approval procedures for import and export enterprise names, required documents: copy of shareholder identity, name of new company, etc. Processing department: Municipal or District Administration for Industry and Commerce, processing time: 1-2 working days;

2. If there is a special business scope, pre approval is required: currently, pre approval consists of 14 categories and 72 approval items, as shown in the Catalogue of Pre Approval for Enterprise Registration by the Administration for Industry and Commerce. The processing time is 15-0 working days;

3. Industrial and commercial registration, providing application form for establishment registration, articles of association, ID card of legal representative, notice of name pre approval, proof of company address, copy of shareholder ID card, etc., processing department: Municipal or District Administration for Industry and Commerce, processing time: 3-5 working days;

4. To obtain a business license, the required documents include shareholder ID card or agent ID card. The processing department is the Municipal or District Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the processing time is one working day;

5. Filing and receiving of official seal, providing business license, identity certificate of legal representative and other materials, within 1 working day;

6. To apply for import and export rights, the required documents include a copy of the business license and the legal representative's ID card. The processing departments include the Commerce Bureau, Customs, Electronic Port, and Foreign Exchange Administration. The processing time is 15 working days.

  • 服装出口贸易,进出口服装代理服务,服装出口退税代理公司¥800元

  • 巧克力进口清关-俄罗斯食品供应链-食品进口报关代理¥490元

  • 软件进出口代理公司,软件进出口合同登记¥1000元

  • 澳洲进口蜂蜜报关,进口澳洲蜂蜜,进口蜂蜜清关¥380元

  • 白兰地进口,白兰地进口清关,XO进口代理报关公司¥890元

  • 巧克力进口报关税率,北京进口巧克力清关¥550元

  • 锡兰红茶进口报关_茶叶进口清关_北京报关全套代理¥800元

  • 进出口代理,北京进出口代理公司¥800元


免责声明:以上展示的注册外贸公司的条件,进出口贸易许可证办理,出口退税率查询信息由北京华晨远洋国际贸易有限责任公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。