  • 入驻年限:1
  • 所 在 地:上海市 嘉定区
  • 主营产品: 变频器 触摸屏 伺服系统 张力系统 纠偏系统 传感器 电磁阀 减速机 编程控制器 断路器接触器


免费会员第 1 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

韩国rs oemax伺服电机CSMT-02BQ1ANT3便宜好用

价格 1218/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 上海 嘉定区 可售量 9999台


免费会员 第1年




公司官网: http://kqjnn2253.51pla.com

所在地区:上海市 嘉定区

主营产品: 变频器, 触摸屏, 伺服系统, 张力系统, 纠偏系统, 传感器, 电磁阀, 减速机, 编程控制器, 断路器接触器,

商品详情 联系方式


品牌 oemax 系列 CSMT CSMR等
型号 CSMT-02BQ1ANT3 货号 RVGTR5821856
订货号 SADE628920 产地 韩国
是否进口 原产国/地区 韩国
加工定制 功率 50-15kw
额定电压 100-220v 产品认证 CCC
速度响应频率 50HZ 适用电机 伺服
应用范围 工厂

韩国rs oemax伺服电机CSMT-02BQ1ANT3诚信是立足之本

Servo Motor
High performance AC servo motor
    - Supports various capacities from 50W to 5kW
    - Supports 17-bit and 23-bit serial encoders
    - Provide motor series that compatible with various dedication devices(CSMA, CSMT,
    - Compatible with special custom made motors
    - Conforms to fast delivery requests

RSMZ BS Motor Series
Optical Encoder Motor
    - Supports various capacities from 50W to 800W
    - Provide with optical encoder, EM200
    - Absolute encoder of 22bit high-resolution
    - Compativle with RSMZ motors
    - Conforms to fast delivery request

Machine I/O
DS60 Series
The Machine I/O, RS OEMax DS60 Series are distributed IO for optimizing system connection
The DS60 Series are distributed I/O products with the defacto global standard, the DeviceNet specifications. The DS60 Series allow simple configuration of open type control systems that allows easy integration of multiple systems including PC, PLC and HMI devices.
Configure upgraded open type distributed I/O system
    - Reduce wirings through single wiring.
    - Fast and convenient installation and maintenance
    - Multiple vendor compatibility that allows wider range of product selection
    - Proven reliability through application in semiconductor/FPD equipment
Optimized solution for device control
    - Compact size minimizes installation space
    - Flexible expandability up to 64 nodes with maximum of 80 points per node
    - Diverse I/O types (DC/AC input, Relay, TR, SSR output and Analog I/O)
    - Select between T/B terminal and D-SUB connector
    All products are certified to international specifications

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免责声明:以上展示的韩国rs oemax伺服电机CSMT-02BQ1ANT3便宜好用信息由上海菱联自动化控制技术有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:韩国rs oemax伺服电机CSMT-02BQ1ANT3便宜好用