  • 入驻年限:1
  • 所 在 地:山东省 济南市
  • 主营产品: 驾驶式洗地机 全自动洗地机 双刷盘洗地机 洗地机 手推式洗地机 电动扫地机 电动尘推车


免费会员第 1 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

山东洗地机 手推式洗地机 质量可靠 维护简单

价格 14800/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 山东 济南 可售量 9999台


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 贝纳特 额定电压 DC24V/Gear
工作效率 1500m2/h 工作宽度 510mm
吸水扒宽度 800mm 洗地刷直径 510mm
洗地刷速度 150rpm 洗地刷马达 650W
洗地刷压力 25kg 充电时长 8/10h
整机质量 210Kg


    山东洗地机哪家好?手推式洗地机质量可靠 维护简单!






  Shandong washing machine which good? Hand push type washing machine quality reliable maintenance simple!

  After market investigation, many enterprises have high requirements for technological progress in the production of cleaning equipment, which is the performance of the progress of science and technology. Therefore, cleaning equipment such as floor washing machine, sweeper, and ground cleaner can meet the needs of all major manufacturers.

  In modern life, people can not leave the cleaning equipment. Whether in terms of cleaning efficiency or cleaning effect, the floor washing machine has obvious advantages. The washing machine is more than manual efficiency, especially the driving type washing machine. However, it is more practical to choose to use the hand push type washing machine in the face of some relatively small areas.

  When it comes to working efficiency, the washing machine can be equivalent to the sweeping speed of several cleaning workers. Why should we choose the washing machine? This problem, perhaps the friends who have not contacted the washing machine may be confused, and the friends who have actually used the washing machine will know well.

  The machine is used to clean and dry the ground, which can solve the problems of health and health, environmental protection and thorough cleaning of the ground. In addition, it is of great significance to save cost and promote the development of clean industry.

  Therefore, under the comprehensive comparison of all aspects, the choice of washing machine is not only a cost-saving but also a labor-saving choice. Especially for some large industrial and commercial plants, the washing machine has become the necessary equipment to improve its image and grade.

  contact us:

  Shandong Jinchi Clean Technology Co., Ltd

  Tel: 13356379861 wechat same number

  19163220590 wechat same number

  Jinan Company: no.15615 Century Avenue, hi tech Zone, Jinan

  Zaozhuang company: No.42, shanguo Middle Road, Tengzhou City

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免责声明:以上展示的山东洗地机 手推式洗地机 质量可靠 维护简单信息由山东金驰清洁科技有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:山东洗地机 手推式洗地机 质量可靠 维护简单