温泉泳池用真空包装纤维棉球 多来真空棉球
价格 | ¥10/袋 | ¥9/袋 | ¥8/袋 |
起订量 | ≥1 | ≥100 | ≥1000 |
所在地 | 河南 郑州 | 可售量 9999袋 |

耐热水斜管填料安装 禹水沣玻璃钢斜管耐120°高温
耐高温玻璃钢斜管填料 禹水沣环保 环氧乙烯基斜管
维修一体化净水器 禹水沣对斜管石英砂进行更换
耐热水斜管填料安装 禹水沣玻璃钢斜管耐120°高温
耐高温玻璃钢斜管填料 禹水沣环保 环氧乙烯基斜管
维修一体化净水器 禹水沣对斜管石英砂进行更换
品牌 | 多来 | 1 | 200克真空棉球 |
2 | 300克真空棉球 | 3 | 350克真空棉球 |
4 | 500克真空棉球 | 5 | 700克真空棉球 |
6 | 1100克真空棉球 | 7 | 1200克真空棉球 |
8 | 1300克真空棉球 | 9 | 1400克真空棉球 |
10 | 外贸出口定制 | 11 | 包装可定制 |
采用涤纶高弹丝纤维球滤料对景观水进行过滤试验,观察其过滤特性及相关因素对过滤性能的影响.结果表明,在不投加任何絮凝剂,滤速为30 m/h,平均进水浊度为87.5 NTU时,纤维球滤料过滤周期达16.5 h左右,出水浊度维持在3~5 NTU.当PAFC投加量为12 mg/L,滤速为30~50 m/h,进水浊度为50~70 NTU时,过滤出水浊度可以维持在1 NTU以下,过滤周期达6 h以上,周期截污量为30~纤维球滤料/m3.采用气冲-气水联合反冲-水冲的反冲洗方式,当气冲强度为25L/(s·m2),水冲强度为8 L/(s·m2)时,纤维球滤料积泥量约占滤料质量的4.53%.Using polyester high-elastic fiber ball filter material to filter the landscape water, observe its filtration characteristics and the influence of related factors on the filtration performance. The results show that without adding any flocculant, the filtration rate is 30 m/h, and the average intake rate is 30 m/h. When the water turbidity is 87.5 NTU, the filtration cycle of the fiber ball filter material is about 16.5 h, and the effluent turbidity is maintained at 3 to 5 NTU. When the dosage of PAFC is 12 mg/L, the filtration rate is 30 to 50 m/h, When the turbidity of the influent is 50~70 NTU, the turbidity of the filtered effluent can be maintained below 1 NTU, the filtration cycle can reach more than 6 hours, and the periodic interception capacity is 30~45 kg/m3. Air flushing-air water combined recoil -The backwash method of water flushing, when the air flushing strength is 25L/(s·m2) and the water flushing strength is 8 L/(s·m2), the amount of sludge in the fiber ball filter material accounts for about 4.53% of the quality of the filter material .
取一束短纤维,在其中心紧密结扎或热熔粘结,使短纤维形成呈辐射状的球体结构。这种纤维球的个体特征是球中心纤维密实,越靠近球边缘则纤维越疏松,孔隙率分布不均。Take a bunch of short fibers and tie them tightly in the center or heat-melt them to make the short fibers form a radial spherical structure. The individual characteristic of this kind of fiber ball is that the fiber in the center of the ball is dense, and the closer to the edge of the ball, the looser the fiber and the uneven distribution of porosity.
纤维球过滤器是在容器内填装纤维球形成床层,由于纤维球个体较疏松,在床层中纤维球之间的纤维丝可实现相互穿插,此时纤维球的个体特征已不重要,床层形成了一个整体。床层中纤维球受到的压力为过滤水流的流体阻力、纤维球自身的重力以及截留悬浮物的重力之和(如果水流从上至下通过床层,该力在滤层中沿水流方向是依次递增的。The fiber ball filter is filled with fiber balls in the container to form a bed. Because the fiber balls are relatively loose, the fiber filaments between the fiber balls in the bed can be interspersed with each other. At this time, the individual characteristics of the fiber balls are not important. The bed forms a whole. The pressure on the fiber balls in the bed is the sum of the fluid resistance of the filtered water flow, the gravity of the fiber balls and the gravity of the suspended matter (if the water flows through the bed from top to bottom, the force is sequentially in the direction of the water flow in the filter layer. Increasing.
因纤维球具备一定弹性,在压力下滤层孔隙率和过滤孔径由大到小渐变分布,滤料的比表面积由小到大渐变分布。这是一种过滤效率由低到高递增的理想过滤方式,直径较大、容易滤除的悬浮物可被上层滤层截留,直径较小、不易滤除的悬浮物可被中层或下层滤层截留。在整个滤层中,机械筛分和接触絮凝作用都得到充分发挥,从而实现较高的滤速、截污容量和较好的出水水质。Because the fiber ball has certain elasticity, the porosity of the filter layer and the filter pore size are gradually distributed from large to small under pressure, and the specific surface area of the filter material is gradually distributed from small to large. This is an ideal filtration method with filtration efficiency increasing from low to high. The suspended matter with a larger diameter and easy to filter can be intercepted by the upper filter layer, and the suspended matter with a smaller diameter and difficult to filter can be filtered by the middle or lower filter layer. Withhold. In the entire filter layer, the effects of mechanical screening and contact flocculation are fully exerted, so as to achieve higher filtration speed, sewage interception capacity and better water quality.



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免责声明:以上展示的温泉泳池用真空包装纤维棉球 多来真空棉球信息由河南禹水沣环保科技有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:温泉泳池用真空包装纤维棉球 多来真空棉球