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  • 主营产品: 聚合氯化铝 聚丙烯酰胺 氯化羟铝ACH 羟铝基氯化物 二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵 除磷剂 阳离子混凝剂 除硝酸盐树脂 除氟树脂 化学除油器填料 斜管斜板填料 纤维球滤料 助沉剂


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供应pf-b高分子聚合纤维滤料 现场安装更换纤维特种滤料

价格 22/公斤 21/公斤 20/公斤
起订量 ≥50 ≥500 ≥1000
所在地 河南 郑州 可售量 9999公斤


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滤料类型 纤维滤料 适用对象 钢厂、煤矿等污水
用途 精细过滤 类型 高分子纤维
订货号 xw4050 货号 SG4050
性能 精细过滤 吸附率 98%
抗压力 密度 0.3
孔隙率 96% 磨损率
硬度 软性滤料 化学成分 特种纤维
过滤精度 20μm 滤速 45m/h~55m/h

    PF-B特种高分子纤维特种滤料产品性能优势PF-B special polymer fiber special filter material product performance advantages

    ①禹水沣纤维特种滤料过滤精度高(可达20μm)过滤效果好,具有亲水憎油特点,反冲洗再生能力强,使用寿命长,使用领域广。Yushuifeng fiber special filter material has high filtration accuracy (up to 20μm), good filtration effect, hydrophilic and oil-repellent characteristics, strong backwashing regeneration ability, long service life, and wide application field.

    ②除污效率高,出水水质好,悬浮物去除率达92%以上,油去除率达90%以上,可将浊环水悬浮物降到12mg/L以下,油含量降到3mg/L以下The decontamination efficiency is high, the effluent quality is good, the suspended solids removal rate is over 92%, and the oil removal rate is over 90%. The suspended solids in the turbid ring water can be reduced to less than 12mg/L, and the oil content is reduced to less than 3mg/L.

    ③产水率高,该过滤器周期产水率是其它滤料过滤器的1.5~2倍以上High water production rate, the cycle water production rate of this filter is 1.5~2 times more than other filter media filters

    ④截污量大,是核桃壳过滤器的2.9倍,石英砂过滤器的1.6~2.4倍以上The amount of dirt intercepted is large, 2.9 times that of walnut shell filters and 1.6 to 2.4 times that of quartz sand filters.

    ⑤独特的双旋流设计,模拟人工对纤维球进行反复搓揉,使反冲洗更加合理,滤料能够得到彻底清洗,反洗再生能力强Unique double swirl design, simulating manual repeated kneading of the fiber ball, making the backwashing more reasonable, the filter material can be thoroughly cleaned, and the backwashing regeneration ability is strong

    ⑥利用旋向不同的高速气流进行反洗,增加滤料内气流的逆流剪切力,加大滤料间的翻腾作用和相互摩擦,使滤料与悬浮物、油的剥离更加迅速,快捷,减少周期反洗用水、用气量。约占过滤水量的1%左右Using high-speed airflows with different rotation directions for backwashing, increase the countercurrent shear force of the airflow in the filter material, increase the tumbling effect and mutual friction between the filter materials, so that the filter material, suspended solids, and oil can be peeled more quickly and quickly. Reduce cycle backwash water and air consumption. It accounts for about 1% of the filtered water

    ⑦滤速高(45m/h~55m/h),对废水的多维过滤,多个过滤单元同时过滤,单位面积处理水量大,占地空间小,土地费用低High filtration rate (45m/h~55m/h), multi-dimensional filtration of wastewater, multiple filtration units at the same time, large water volume per unit area, small space occupation and low land cost.

    ⑧双旋流过滤器截污量大,在同等水质下,运行周期长,反冲洗频率低,降低运行费用The double cyclone filter has a large amount of dirt interception. Under the same water quality, the operation cycle is long, the backwash frequency is low, and the operation cost is reduced

    ⑨操作、维护简便、滤料不怕乱层、跑料,反洗强度要求精度不高,利于操作;设备故障率低,滤料使用年限长,另外,滤料比重轻,装填无级配要求,维护工作简便,快捷,运行可靠Easy to operate and maintain, the filter material is not afraid of messy layers and material running, and the backwash strength requires low precision, which is conducive to operation; the equipment failure rate is low, the filter material has a long service life, and the filter material has a light specific gravity and no grading requirements for filling The maintenance work is simple, fast and reliable

    双旋流过滤器是连铸、热轧等冶金工艺含油浊环水处理的优选设备。适用领域炼钢连铸浊环水过滤系统轧钢浊环水过滤系统其它含油污浊环水过滤系统净环水过滤系统The double swirl filter is the optimal equipment for the treatment of oily turbid water in metallurgical processes such as continuous casting and hot rolling. Applicable fields Steelmaking and continuous casting turbid water filtration system, steel rolling turbid water filtration system, other oily dirty water filtration system, clean water filtration system.

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