PS (EPS)/0513F/CZ/Synthos S.A. 物性表
PS (EPS)/0513F/CZ/Synthos S.A.
该料用途 | 包装; 建筑材料; 型材 |
备注说明 | Synthos EPS®/CZ types 0513F, 0814F, 0822F, 1020F, 1640F i 2040F are self-extinguishing expandable polystyrene EPS with high content of pentane. The materials are formed by spherical polystyrene particles that contain a flame retardant system (content of HBCD < 0,5%) and a hydrocarbon blowing agent. Their surface is treated against gluing during processing and the formation of electrostatic charge. Due to the content of halogenated flame retardant and the residual blowing agent, the product is unsuitable for objects intended for direct contact with food.Synthos EPS® 0513F/CZ (Koplen 0513F) is mainly used for production of shaped parts with wall thickness above 10 mm (e.g. shipping packaging for glass and electrical goods, building bricks, floor and roof shaped parts); production of smaller blocks with higher density or cutted profiles. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 表观密度 2 | 内部方法 | ꜵ.ꜵꘕ 到 ꜵ.ꜵ읐 | g/cm³ | Moisture Content | 内部方法 | < 텹ꜵꜵꜵꜵ | ppm | 颗粒大小 - >95% between | 内部方法 | 땩ꜵꜵ 到 텹ꜵꜵꜵ | µm |
可燃性 | Reaction to Fire | -- | EN 13501-1 | 퐁 썙 | -- | DIN 4102 | 텹 | Blowing Agent | 内部方法 | < .ꜵ | wt% |