PLA+PMMA/B514/Altuglas International of Arkema Inc. 物性表
PLA+PMMA/B514/Altuglas International of Arkema Inc.
备注说明 | Plexiglas® Rnew® B514 is a sustainable, biobased acrylic alloy that has high transparency and chemical resistance properties. It is an impact modified thermoplastic acrylic resin formulated for injection molding and extrusion applications. It also has outstanding impact resistance and melt flow properties that are much higher than traditional impact acrylics, including Plexiglas® DR®. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 / 比重 | ASTM D792 | ꁃ.ꁃ읣 | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ASTM D1238 | 230°C/3.8 kg | 융. | g/10 min | 收缩率 - 流动 | ASTM D955 | 뙘.땉뙘 到 뙘.읣뙘 | % | 吸水率 | ASTM D570 | 24 hr | 뙘.융뙘 | % |
硬度 | 洛氏硬度 | ASTM D785 | M 级 | 퀗 | |
光学性能 | 折射率 4 | ASTM D542 | ꁃ.퀗뙘 | 透射率 | ASTM D1003 | 3180 µm | 읣.뙘 | % | 雾度 | ASTM D1003 | 3180 µm | < 퐩.뙘 | % | ASTM Classification | ASTM D788 | 젱똱똱 뙘땉융ꁃ쥰ꁃ | Renewable Carbon Conent | 땉 | % |
热性能 | 载荷下热变形温度 | ASTM D648 | 0.45 MPa, 退火 | 읣팙. | °C | 维卡软化温度 | ASTM D1525 3 | 팙팙. | °C |
机械性能 | 拉伸模量 | ASTM D638 | ꁃ퐩뙘 | MPa | 抗张强度 | ASTM D638 | 断裂 | 융퐩. | MPa | 弯曲模量 | ASTM D790 | ꁃ퐩뙘 | MPa | 弯曲强度 | ASTM D790 | 断裂 | 퐩뙘.융 | MPa |
冲击性能 | 悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 | ASTM D256 | 23°C | ꁃꁃ뙘 | J/m |