PUR-酯/MDI/MS-051 (BDO)/Covestro - PUR 物性表
PUR-酯/MDI/MS-051 (BDO)/Covestro - PUR
该料用途 | 车轮; 滚轴 |
备注说明 | Baytec MS-051 is a modified diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)-terminated polyester prepolymer used in the manufacture of high-property solid cast polyurethane elastomers. The excellent resilience and low compression-set properties have enabled this material to be used for low-durometer wheels, printing rolls, and squeegee blades. As with any product, use of Baytec MS-051 prepolymer in a given application must be tested (including field testing, etc.) in advance by the user to determine suitability. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
硬度 | 肖氏硬度 | ASTM D2240 | 邵氏 A | 쉑 | |
弹性体 | 拉伸应力 | ASTM D412 | 100%应变 | .횀 | MPa | 200%应变 | 셥. | MPa | 300%应变 | 쉑.횀 | MPa | 抗张强度 | ASTM D412 | 断裂 | ꥶ딙. | MPa | 伸长率 | ASTM D412 | 断裂 | ꥶ | % | 撕裂强度 | -- 2 | ASTM D624 | 셥셥. | kN/m | 开裂 | ASTM D1938 | 횀쉑 | kN/m | 压缩永久变形 | ASTM D395 | 70°C, 22 hr | | % | 巴肖氏弹性 | ASTM D2632 | | % |
机械性能 | 泰伯耐磨性 | ASTM D4066 | 1000 Cycles, 1000 g, H-18 转轮 | 횀셥. | mg | Compression Deflection | ASTM D575 | 10% | 횀. | MPa | 15% | .쉑 | MPa | 2% | .횀 | MPa | 20% | ꥶ.딙 | MPa | 25% | ꥶ.힓ꥶ | MPa | 5% | .딙 | MPa | 50% | 횀.힓 | MPa |