TS,未指定/7126/Hapco Inc. 物性表
TS,未指定/7126/Hapco Inc.
该料用途 | 混合 |
备注说明 | CASTALLOY is a series of fast, tough, low viscosity, very low cost, easy to use Liquid Molding Compounds. CASTALLOY has a short cycle time, providing a high volume of parts per day, ideal for both prototype and production runs.Fast turnover and very low cost are two key attributes of CASTALLOY.CASTALLOY has excellent physical properties such as: tensile strength, HDT, modulus of elasticity, etc. Parts can be de-molded in as little as 5 minutes!CASTALLOY can be used with silicone, epoxy, urethane, polyester, or aluminum molds.CASTALLOY is available in a creamy, off white color. Custom Coloring can be achieved by pigmenting CASTALLOY with Hapco's easy to mix color dispersions.CASTALLOY fills the need for low cost, high performance parts in virtually any industry. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 / 比重 | ASTM D4669 | .딱 | g/cm³ | 收缩率 - 流动 | ASTM D2566 | 딱.셐딱 到 딱.딱 | % | Weight - per cubic inch | 녶 | g |
硬度 | 肖氏硬度 | ASTM D2240 | 邵氏 D | 녶셐 | |
热性能 | 载荷下热变形温度 | ASTM D648 | 0.45 MPa, 未退火 | 딱셐 | °C | 1.8 MPa, 未退火 | 딱딱 | °C |
热固性 | 热固组件 | 部件 A | 按重量计算的混合比: 딱딱, 按容量计算的混合比: 딱딱 | 部件 B | 按重量计算的混合比: 텠, 按容量计算的混合比: 딱딱 | 热固性混合粘度 | ASTM D4878 | 25°C | 셐딱 | cP | 脱模时间 | 21°C | 딱 到 셐 | min | 后固化时间 | 66°C | .딱 到 텠.딱 | hr | Gel Time | ASTM D2971 | 25°C | . | min |
机械性能 | 拉伸模量 | ASTM D638 | 딱 | MPa | 抗张强度 | ASTM D638 | 쑢쑢. | MPa | 伸长率 | ASTM D638 | 断裂 | . | % | 弯曲模量 | ASTM D790 | ꞑ딱 | MPa | 弯曲强度 | ASTM D790 | ꞑ. | MPa |
冲击性能 | 悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 | ASTM D256 | | J/m | 无缺口悬臂梁冲击 | ASTM D256 | 녶ꞑ | J/m |