AEM/HVG/DuPont Performance Elastomers 物性表
AEM/HVG/DuPont Performance Elastomers
备注说明 | DuPont™ Vamac® HVG is an unfilled gum ethylene/acrylic elastomer similar to Vamac® G, but offering higher compound viscosity. The higher viscosity of compounds made with Vamac® HVG results in improved green strength and related processing advantages, such as: Compounds of Vamac® HVG are often selected for applications such as compression molded goods, highly plasticized compounds, and extruded tubing and hose.Vamac® HVG contains a small amount of processing aid and has a nominal specific gravity of 1.04. It has a mild acrylic odor. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 门尼粘度 | ASTM D1646 | 121°C | 到 ꤴ | MU | ML 1+4, 100°C | 혴혴 到 혴 ꤴ | MU |
硬度 | 肖氏硬度 | ASTM D2240 | 邵氏 A | ꤴ 到 ꤴ혵 | |
弹性体 | 拉伸应力 | ASTM D412 | 100%应变 | ꤴ.렱렱 | MPa | 抗张强度 | ASTM D412 | 屈服 | 쀤ꤴ.렱 到 쀤ꤴ.혵 | MPa | 伸长率 | ASTM D412 | 断裂 | ꤴ렱 到 렱 | % | 压缩永久变形 | ASTM D395 | 150°C, 70 hr | 쀤ꤴ | % | MDR 2 | ASTM D5289 | MH : 177°C | .혴ꤴ 到 .혴 둣 혴. 到 혴.꥓ 뤈클 | ML : 177°C | 렱.쀤쀤 到 렱.쀤혵 둣 쀤.쀤렱 到 쀤.렱 뤈클 | T50 : 177°C | . 到 . | min | T90 : 177°C | .렱 到 ꥓. | min | Ts2 : 177°C | 렱. | min | Mooney Scorch | ASTM D1646 | t10 : 121°C | . 到 쀤렱.혴 | min | t18 : 121°C | 쀤혴.ꤴ 到 쀤.ꤴ | min | 挥发性 | 内部方法 | < 렱.혵 | wt% |