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进入店铺Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 NTLA010 NR426 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
塑胶原料 工程塑胶 聚酰胺 PA66耐磨损 PA66超韧耐寒级 PA66食品级 PA66加玻纤 PA66增韧级 PA66阻燃防火 POM聚甲醛 高粘度POM 坚韧级POM 耐磨损POM 高韧性POM 抗紫外线POM 加玻纤POM 低翘曲POM
本公司所销售之塑胶原料均可提供原厂的物性表,UL MSDS SGS COC 欢迎来电咨询!
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G30 NTLA010 NR399 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G30 P20 PRTA010 NR428 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G30 PRTA011 NR398 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G30 VRM0069 NR312 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G33 BRC0001 NR379 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G33 HS NTLA013 NR307 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G33 HS UV PRTA011 NR351 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G33 NTLA010 NR315 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G33 PRTA011 NR305 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G35 HS UV RH PRTA010 NR346 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G35 NTLA010 NR451 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G38 HS UV RH PRTA011 NR447 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G40 M3 NTLA014 NR448 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G43 HS UV RH PRTA011 NR424 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G50 HS NTLA013 NR356 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G50 HS NTLA013 NR402 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G50 HS RH PRTA012 NR439 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G50 HS UV RH PRTA011 NR416 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G50 NTLA010 NR308 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 G8 NTLA010 NR403 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HF HUV BRC0004 NR367 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HF NTLA010 NR316 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HF NTLA010 NR430 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HF PRT0327 NR440 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HF UV PRTA010 NR311 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HL CNZ0263 NR387 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HL CNZ0317 NR413 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HL NTLA010 NR310 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HS NTLA013 NR323 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 HS PRTA011 NR404 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 M3 NTLA014 NR411 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 M3 PRTA011 NR432 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 M3 TZ NTLA014 NR352 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 N10 NTLA014 NR329 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 P5 NTLA016 NR345 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 PRTA010 NR326 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 ST HS PRTA011 NR365 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 ST HS UV5 PRTA011 NR427 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 ST NTLA010 NR385 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 ST VRM0076 NR325 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T15 CNZ0093 NR331 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T20 G10 NTAL010 NR460 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T20 NTLA010 NR425 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T20 PRTA011 NR389 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T25 CNZ0093 NR330 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T25 FR CNZ0093 NR328 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 N1 NTLA014 NR453 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 NTLA010 NR426 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 PRTA010 NR380 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 UV NTLA010 NR434 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 UV PRTA010 NR444 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T40 HL CNZA0040 NR359 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T40 HS NTLA013 NR327 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T40 PRTA011 NR321 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T40 VRD0240 NR373 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 TZ NTLA010 NR338 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 TZ NTLA010 NR339 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 TZ PRTA010 NR355 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 UV BRCA010 NR461 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 V20 CNZ0220 NR463 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 V30 HL PRTA010 NR366 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 Z40 HS NTLA010 NR457 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
Nypol PA66 塑胶原料 PA B3 G10 V20 PRTA011 NT354 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA 尼龙66
PA66塑胶原料为半透明或不透明乳白色结晶形聚合物,具有可塑性。密度1.15g/cm3。熔点252℃。脆化温度-30℃。热分解温度大于350℃。 连续耐热80-120℃,平衡吸水率2.5%。能耐酸、碱、大多数无机盐水溶液、卤代烷、烃类、酯类、酮类等腐蚀,但易溶于苯酚、甲酸等极性溶剂。具有优良的耐磨性、自润滑性,机械强度较高。但吸水性较大,因而尺寸稳定性较差
PA66的粘性较低,因此流动性很好(但不如PA6)。这个性质可以用来加工很薄的元件。它的粘度对温度变化很敏感。PA66的收缩率在1%~2%之间,加入玻璃纤维添加剂可以将收缩率降低到0.2%~1% 。收缩率在流程方向和与流程方向相垂直方向上的相异是较大的。
【PA性质】:结晶性热可塑性塑料,有明显熔点,Nylon6 Tm为220~230℃,Nylon66则为260~270℃,Nylon本身具吸水基故有吸水性,成形前须干燥,温度过高干燥则尼龙粒变色。
【优点】:(1)、具高抗张强度;(2)、耐韧、耐冲击性特优;(3)、自润性、耐磨性佳、耐药品性优;(4)、低温特佳:;(5) 、具自熄性
【用途】: ① .(电子电器):连接器、卷线轴、计时器、护盖断路器、开关壳座、②.(汽车零件):散热风扇、门把、油箱盖、进气隔册, 水箱护盖. 灯座、③.(工业零件):椅座、自行车输框、溜冰鞋底座、纺织梭、踏板、滑输等.
【分类】: 防静PA,导电PA,加纤防火PA,防火PA,抗紫外线耐候PA,高温挤出级PA
导电尼龙66:具有良好的耐磨性、耐热性、耐油性及耐化学药品性,还大大降低了原材料的吸水率和收缩率,具有优良的尺寸稳定性及优异的机械强度。能满足静电消散和 静电放电 (ESD) 防护的要求。这些特殊改性材料经特殊配制,适用于从100到1012欧姆/平方 (ohms/sq) 的表面电阻范围,可用于注塑及挤出等成型。导电尼龙66、导电尼龙12有很多超越金属和涂装的优点:零件重量较轻,较易处理,运输成本较低。它们的装配简便,制造成本较低,并且较不会受到撞凹,割损和刮伤. 为了标识或美观目的,一些材料可被预先染色,避免费时且昂贵的两次着色加工。广泛应用于机械、仪器仪表, 汔车部件、电子电气、铁路、家电、通讯、纺机、体育休闲用品、油管、油箱、及一些精密工程制品。



广东东莞市中国 东莞 樟木头镇塑胶市场中心城M栋113号
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美国吉力士 TPE S KA 60A-3S1769 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
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免责声明:以上展示的PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 NTLA010 NR426信息由东莞市众垒塑胶有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:PA66 塑胶原料 PA A3 T30 NTLA010 NR426