  • 入驻年限:3
  • 所 在 地:广东省 东莞市
  • 主营产品: POM PA PC TPU


速购通标准会员第 3 vip vip vip
主营产品: POM, PA, PC, TPU,
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

VYDYNE 塑料PA66-GF50% R550H NT662

价格 32.30/公斤
起订量 ≥25
所在地 广东 东莞 可售量 10000公斤


商品详情 联系方式


玻纤增强 密度:1.58 电子电器 脱模性能良好
注塑 外壳 良好的抗蠕变性 润滑
塑料PA66-GF50% 齿轮 VYDYNE R550H NT662

Vydyne? R550H NT662

Polyamide 66
Ascend Performance Materials Operations LLC
50% 玻璃纤维增强材料
Vydyne R550H NT662 is general-purpose, heat-stabilized, hydrolysis-resistant, 50% glass-fiber reinforced PA66 resin. Available in natural, it is specifically designed to maximize the retention of physical properties when exposed to anti-freeze solutions at elevated temperatures. This product is also lubricated for improved flow and offers superior surface appearance.

Glass-reinforced Vydyne resins provide higher heat distortion temperature, resistance to creep and better dimensional stability when compared with unreinforced PA66. These products have good chemical resistance to a broad range of chemicals including gasoline, hydraulic fluids and most solvents.

Vydyne R550H NT662 is heat-stabilized to minimize oxidative degradation of the polymer when exposed to elevated temperatures in service. This product provides improved retention of physical properties under exposure to long term heat. Also, Vydyne R550H NT662 has excellent knit-line strength and fatigue resistance, which is essential for cycle testing with anti-freeze solutions.

Typical Applications/End Uses:

Vydyne R550H NT662 is successfully used in a wide range of injection-molding engineering applications. Typical parts include automotive clips, radiator endtanks and parts of the air-conditioning and fuel distribution systems; electrical connectors, housings and bobbins; and industrial applications such as gears, bearing shells, covers and housings.

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免责声明:以上展示的VYDYNE 塑料PA66-GF50% R550H NT662信息由东莞市崀峰塑胶原料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:VYDYNE 塑料PA66-GF50% R550H NT662