联 系 人:吴小姐 QQ交谈 (联系时,请说明是在全球塑胶网上看到的)
公司官网: http://13712770966.51pla.com
所在地区:广东省 东莞市
牌号 | 103HSL | 厂商 | 杜邦 |
品牌 | 杜邦 | 用途级别 | 汽车部件,电子电器部件 |
销售方式 | 品牌经销 | 加工级别 | 注塑级,挤出级,涂覆级 |
厂家(产地) | 美国杜邦 | 密度 | 1.14g/cm3 |
封装 | DIP | 批号 | 11+ |
断裂伸长率 | 10.0 | 特性级别 | 耐磨,高流动,热稳定性 |
类型 | 标准料 | 颜色 | 本色 |
应用 | 品牌经销 | 成分 | 25 |
性能特点 | 耐磨,高流动,热稳定性 | 用途 | 汽车部件,电子电器部件 |
杜邦Zytel 101L 101F 103HSL 103FHS 105BK 145BK 105FBK 3189HSL 42A 420HSL 444AHS 450 450HSLX 45HSB 122L 132F 330 MT409A ST800L MT409AHS 408L 408HS 8018 8018HS ST801 ST801A ST801AW ST801HS ST811HS ST801AHS ST901 ST800 FR15 FR50 FR7025V0F FR7026V0F FR72G25V0 FR70G25V0 FR70M30V0 FR7250V0 70G13L 70G13HS1L 70G20HSLX 70G25HSL 70G25HSLR 70G30HSLR 70G33GRA 70G50HSLA 70G33L 70G33HS1L 70G35HSL 70G43L 70G43HSLA 74G33J 74G33W 74G33L 70G50HSLA FE5171 80G14A 80G14AHS 80G25HS 80G33L 80G33HS1L 80G43HS1L FR7250V0 71G13HS1L 71G13L 71G33L 71G33HS1L 72G13HS1L 72G13L 70K20HSL 72G33W 72G43L 70G50HSLR WRF403 WRF500 FN714 FN718 E40 E50 E53 E41HSB E51HSB EFE1068 EFE8089B FE2400 FE3071 FE3757 FE4200 FE5555 FE270038 FE270041 BM70G15HSLR BM70G20HSLX 75LG40L 75LG40HSL 75LG50L 75LG50HSL 75LG60L 75LG60HSL 75CG45HSL 75CG30HSL 79G13L 79G13HSL FGFE5171 FG101L
PAss="MsoNormal">Zytel 151 NC010 A PA 612 resin
Zytel 151L NC010 Lubricated, general purpose molding grade
Zytel 153HSL NC010 Lubricated, heat stabilized, extrusion grade
Zytel 157HSL BK010 Lubricated, heat stabilized, improved weather resistant molding/extrusion grade
Zytel 158 NC010 General purpose PA 612 resin suitable for molding and extrusion applications
Zytel 158L NC010 Lubricated, general purpose molding/extrusion grade -- a higher melt viscosity than Zytel 151L NC010
Zytel 159 NC010 High viscosity, extrusion grade
Zytel 77G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G33L BK031 33% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced, polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G43L BK031 43% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G43L NC010 43% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel MT409AHS BK010 Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin having good stiffness and improved knit line strength with superior toughness and processability
Zytel MT409AHS NC010 Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin having good stiffness, improved knit line strength, surface appearance with outstanding processability
Zytel ST800HSL BK152 Heat stablized Super Tough black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding impact resistance, high productivity and laser markability
Zytel ST801A NC010A Super Tough, high performance, polyamide 66 resin. It is partially UV stabilized and when appropriately colored offers limited protection to indirect sunlight exposure.
Zytel ST801AHS BK010 Super Tough, high performance, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel ST801AHS NC010 Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel ST801AW BK195 Super Tough, weatherable, easy flow and processing friendly, black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It offers the best resistance to outdoor exposure.
Zytel ST801AW NC010 Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It is UV stabilized and when appropriately colored, offers the best resistance to indirect sunlight in automotive interior applications.
Zytel ST811HS NC010 Rubber modified nylon 6 resin. Very flexible.
Zytel 8018HS BKB085 14% Glass reinforced toughened heat stabilized black nylon 66 resin
Zytel 8018HS NC010 14% Glass reinforced toughened heat stabilized nylon 66 resin
Zytel 80G14A NC010A 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel 80G14AHS BK099 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel 80G14AHS NC010 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel 80G25HS BK117 25% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding
Zytel 80G33HS1L BK104 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized black polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont? Super Tough technology
Zytel 80G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont? Super Tough technology
Zytel 80G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont? Super Tough technology
Zytel 80G43HS1L BK104 43% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin with superior impact resistance
Zytel 84G33 BKB031 33% Glass reinforced toughened black cube blended nylon 66 and nylon 6 comelt resin
FG408L FG42A FG70G30HSLR FG70G30HSR3等规格型号。
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免责声明:以上展示的热稳定性尼龙 杜邦PA66 ZYTEL 103HSL信息由东莞市德誉塑料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:热稳定性尼龙 杜邦PA66 ZYTEL 103HSL