联 系 人:吴小姐 QQ交谈 (联系时,请说明是在全球塑胶网上看到的)
公司官网: http://13712770966.51pla.com
所在地区:广东省 东莞市
牌号 | 100ST | 厂商 | 杜邦 |
厂家(产地) | 美国杜邦 | 品牌 | Dupont/杜邦 |
销售方式 | 品牌经销 | 加工级别 | 注塑级 |
特性级别 | 注塑级 | 用途级别 | 注塑级 |
类型 | 标准料 | 中文名称 | 注塑级 |
抗张强度 | 通用料 |
同时供应杜邦Delrin100P 100KM 100AL 100T 111P 111PA 100TL 150 150SA 150XV 311DP 300CP 300PE 300AS 300AT 300ATB 500P 500MP 588P 900P 911P 911AL 911DP 988PA 511P 511DP 1700P 1700SL 100ST 500T 100 107 500 507 127UV 527UV 100T 23P 500CL 500AL 500AF 100AF 510MP 520MP 500TL 510GR 570 525GR 577 500SC 500MT DE7031 DE7056 DE8102 DE8502 DE8902 DE8903 DE8904 DE9100 DE9101 DE9152 DE9156 DE9206 DE9243 DE9254 DE9389 DE9419 DE9422 DE9467 DE9481 DE9486 DE9488 DE9494 DE9506 DE10072 DE13009 DE14009 DE20028 DE20054 DE20055 DE20076 DE20089 DE20090 DE20106 DE20107 DE20108 DE20112 DE20119 DE20171 DE20179 DE20180 DE20182 DE20199 DE20229 DE20242 DE20266 DE20279 DE20283 DE20323 DE20412 FG100 FG100AL FG100P FG100TL FG150 FG311DP FG400MTD FG400XRD FG500AL FG500P FG500TL FG511DP FG900P等规格型号。
同时供应杜邦Delrin 100P 100KM 100AL 100T 111P 111PA 100TL 150 150SA 150XV 311DP 300CP 300PE 300AS 300AT 300ATB 500P 500MP 588P 900P 911P 911AL 911DP 988PA 511P 511DP 1700P 1700SL 100ST 500T 100 107 500 507 127UV 527UV 100T 23P 500CL 500AL 500AF 100AF 510MP 520MP 500TL 510GR 570 525GR 577 500SC 500MT DE7031 DE7056 DE8102 DE8502 DE8902 DE8903 DE8904 DE9100 DE9101 DE9152 DE9156 DE9206 DE9243 DE9254 DE9389 DE9419 DE9422 DE9467 DE9481 DE9486 DE9488 DE9494 DE9506 DE10072 DE13009 DE14009 DE20028 DE20054 DE20055 DE20076 DE20089 DE20090 DE20106 DE20107 DE20108 DE20112 DE20119 DE20171 DE20179 DE20180 DE20182 DE20199 DE20229 DE20242 DE20266 DE20279 DE20283 DE20323 DE20412 FG100 FG100AL FG100P FG100TL FG150 FG311DP FG400MTD FG400XRD FG500AL FG500P FG500TL FG511DP FG900P等规格型号。
Delrin 100 NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100AL NC010 Lubricated, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100P BK602 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100P NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100PE NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Very Low Emissions
Delrin 100ST BK602 Super Tough, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100ST NC010 Super Tough, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100T BK602 Toughened, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100T NC010 Toughened, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 100TL NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with 1.5% PTFE Micropowder
Delrin 111P BK402 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization
Delrin 111P NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization
Delrin 127UV BK701 UV Stabilized Black Acetal Homopolymer, High Viscosity
Delrin 127UV NC010 UV Stabilized Acetal Homopolymer, High Viscosity
Delrin 150 NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion
Delrin 150XV BK602 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion Void Free in Thick Sections
Delrin 150XV NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion Void Free in Thick Sections
Delrin 1700P NC010 Ultra Low Viscosity Acetal
Delrin 1700SL NC010 Low viscosity acetal resin, low wear / low friction
Delrin 300CP BK642 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 300CP NC010 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 300PE NC010 Medium-High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Very Low Emissions
Delrin 311DP BK402 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization and Dimensional Stability
Delrin 311DP NC010 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Dimensional Stability and Productivity
Delrin 500AL NC010 Lubricated, Acetal Homopolymer, Medium Viscosity
Delrin 500CL BK601 Chemically Lubricated, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 500CL NC010 Chemically Lubricated, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 500MP NC010 Lubricated Medium Viscosity Acetal Hoimopolymer With Teflon? PTFE Micropowder
Delrin 500P BK602 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 500P NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 500PE NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Very Low Emissions
Delrin 500T BK602 Toughened, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 500T NC010 Toughened, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 500TL NC010 1.5% Teflon? PTFE Micropowder in Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 511DP BK402 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 511DP NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 511P BK402 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization
Delrin 527UV BK701 UV Stabilized Acetal Homopolymer, Black, Medium Viscosity
Delrin 527UV NC010 UV Stabilized Acetal Homopolymer, Medium Viscosity
Delrin 900P BK602 Low Viscosity Black Acetal Homopolymer Resin
Delrin 511P NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization
Delrin 900P NC010 Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Resi
Delrin 911AL NC010 Lubricated Acetal Homopolymer, Low Viscosity For Dimensionally Stable Parts
Delrin 911DP BK402 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 911DP NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin FG100AL NC010 Lubricated, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade
Delrin FG100TL NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with 1.5% PTFE Micropowder
Delrin FG150 NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion, Food Grade
Delrin FG311DP NC010 Medium-High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade
Delrin FG500AL NC010 Lubricated, Acetal Homopolymer, Medium Viscosity, Food Grade
Delrin FG500P NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade
Delrin FG500TL NC010 1.5% Teflon? PTFE Micropowder in Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade
Delrin FG511DP NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade
Delrin FG900P NC010 Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade
Delrin 510GR NC000 10% Glass Reinforced Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 525GR NC000 25% Glass Reinforced Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 570 NC000 20% Glass Fiber Filled Acetal Homopolymer
Delrin 577 BK000 20% Glass Fiber Filled Acetal, Black
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免责声明:以上展示的POM杜邦Delrin 100ST信息由东莞市德誉塑料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:POM杜邦Delrin 100ST