Encapsulated Motor Submersible Pumps Epoxy Resin Potting
价格 | ¥130.00/kg | |
起订量 | ≥100 | |
所在地 | 湖南 长沙 | 可售量 500kg |

Encapsulated Motors & Epoxy Resin Potting & Polyurethane
Encapsulated Submersible Motor Epoxy Resin Potting Pumps
Encapsulated Pumps & Epoxy Resin Potting & Polyurethane
Artificial Intelligence Robot Motor Epoxy Resin Potting
Encapsulated Pumps Motor Epoxy Resin Potting & Encapsulation
纯度 | 99.9% | 规格 | 35/kg/Pail |
粘合材料 | Motor,Electronic device | 保质期 | 24 months |
打样周期 | 1-2days | 执行质量标准 | 美标 |
类型 | 通用型 | 粘合材料类型 | Motor,Electronic device |
认证 | UL | 包装规格 | kg |
产地 | USA | 工作温度 | -55 — +200.C |
固化方式 | Room temperature curing / Heat curing | 有效期 | 24 months |
粘度 | 800cPs | 表干时间 | 3-5Hours |
功能 | High Voltage DC Contactors,Humanoid Robot,Joint Mo | 用途范围 | High Voltage DC Contactors,Humanoid Robot,Joint Mo |
树脂胶分类 | Epoxy Resin | 软化点 | 145.C |
Encapsulated Motor Submersible Pumps Epoxy Resin Potting Encapsulation
Deep well pumps, submersible pumps and encapsulated motor serve as crucial equipment in water conservancy projects, finding extensive applications in areas such as agricultural irrigation, urban water supply, and industrial cooling. The most prominent feature of deep well pumps, submersible pumps and encapsulated motor is the integration of the motor and pump into a single unit. These pumps are designed to be immersed in underground wells for water extraction and transportation, with the stator and motor are encapsulated in a stainless steel housing and resin, ensuring that they do not come into direct contact with the water source.heat resistant insulation of the stator's copper windings is provided by insulating materials such as epoxy resin that are filled inside them.
The process of using polymer potting and encapsulation the motor stator improves the operational stability and lifespan of the motor. Using our two component epoxy resin potting and encapsulated compound formulations ensures consistent material performance, with excellent dielectric properties, electrical insulation resistance, thermal conductivity, thermal shock resistance, mechanical strength, adhesion, hardness, chemical resistance and UL approval.
potting and encapsulated is commonly used today in Deep well pump, submersible pumps, shielded motor, Heat Pump Circulator Pumps,chemical pumps,encapsulated pumps,Encapsulated Submersible Motor,servo motors, linear motors,torque motors,coreless series motors,artificial intelligence robot motor,etc.Our has extensive experience in this field and offers cost-effective solutions to our customers.
We has developed a suite of polyurethane / epoxy encapsulated and potting products specifically for the motor manufacturing industry. Currently, our material is being used by motor manufacturers over the encapsulate thousands of stators every single day. Our materials for Motors/Coils/Power Supply are formulated with the following properties:
Underwriters Laboratories UL 1446 recognition: We has numerous of a UL 1446 recognized insulation system potting compound component to choose from to choose for use up to 180°C (Class H).
Low viscosity: allows our systems to penetrate and release air from even the tightest coil and slot windings, enabling many of our customers to eliminate varnishing from their manufacturing process.
Excellent Thermal Regulation: Resistance to temperature shocks: able to work in a wide range of temperatures, high or low.
Outstanding Thermal Conductivity: our filled epoxy materials excel at transporting and dissipating heat from motors and other coil windings, a reduction in core temperature is always achieved.
Process friendly: our materials are designed to have mix ratios, viscosities, gel times that are friendly to process and automate.they are easy to handle and good for automated production.



Encapsulated Submersible Pumps Motor Epoxy Resin Potting¥130元
Encapsulated Motor Submersible Pumps Epoxy Resin Potting¥130元
Encapsulated Pumps Motor Epoxy Resin Potting & Encapsulation¥130元
Artificial Intelligence Robot Motor Epoxy Resin Potting¥130元
Encapsulated Pumps & Epoxy Resin Potting & Polyurethane¥130元
Encapsulated Submersible Motor Epoxy Resin Potting Pumps¥130元
Encapsulated Motors & Epoxy Resin Potting & Polyurethane¥130元
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手机版:Encapsulated Motor Submersible Pumps Epoxy Resin Potting