  • 入驻年限:4
  • 所 在 地:广东省 东莞市
  • 主营产品: PA POM


免费会员第 4 vip vip
主营产品: PA, POM,
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

PA6巴斯夫Ultramid B3G8

价格 36.00/公斤
起订量 ≥25
所在地 广东 东莞 可售量 10000公斤


免费会员 第4年




公司官网: http://13712770966.51pla.com

所在地区:广东省 东莞市

主营产品: PA, POM,



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牌号 B3G8 厂商 巴斯夫
品牌 Basf/巴斯夫 用途级别 注塑级
销售方式 品牌经销 名称 品牌经销
产品名称 PA6 加工级别 注塑级
厂家(产地) 德国巴斯夫 密度 1.13g/cm
形态 颗粒 批号 10+
特性级别 注塑级 类型 标准料
规格级别 注塑级 颜色 白色


同时供应巴斯夫UltramidB24N03 B24NFD05 B24NSD05 B2703 B2715 B27E B27E01 B27SD05 B29HM01 B32 B3201 B3301 B33L B33L01 B33LN01 B35EG3 B35G3 B36 B36LN B36LN01 B3EG2 B3EG3 B3EG5 B3EG6 B3EG7 B3G8 B3GK24 B3GM35 B3K B3L B3M6 B3S B3SHP B3U B3UG4 B3UGM210 B3UM4 M3UM6 B3W2G6HB B3WG10 B3WG3 B3WG5 B3WG6 B3WG7 B3WGM24 B3WGM24HP B3WGM24HPX B3ZG3 B3ZG6 B3ZG7 B3ZG7ST B3ZG8 B40 B4001 B40L B40LN B40LN01 B50L01 BG40GM45HS BG50XFI BU501 HFX33 HFX35 HFX37 HMG10HS HMG13HS HMG14HS HPN9350HS HPN9362 SEG7 SEG8 SEGM35 TG3S TG7S 8202 8202HS 8202C 8231GHS 8232GHSFR 8233GHS 8234GHS 8253 8253HS 8255HS 8260 8260HS 8262G 8267G 8270HS 8272GHS 8281HSGP 8333GHI 8333GHIHS 8350HS等规格型号。Ultramid A3EG3 is a 15% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3EG6 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3EG7 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3HG2 is a 10% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3HG5 is a 25% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3HG7 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3K is an easy flowing, pigmented black, injection molding grade PA66.

Ultramid A3W Easy flowing, heat aging resistant injection moulding grade for fast processing.

Ultramid A3WG6 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced and heat resistance injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3WG7 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced and heat resistance injection molding PA66 grade.

Ultramid A3X2G5 Glass fibre reinforced injection moulding grade with improved flame retardance

Ultramid A3Z Impact-modified and stabilized injection moulding grade for components

Ultramid A4H High heat aging resistant, medium viscosity injection moulding grade

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免责声明:以上展示的PA6巴斯夫Ultramid B3G8信息由东莞市德誉塑料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:PA6巴斯夫Ultramid B3G8